Om mig

Jeg hedder Helle Wulff Hansen og er uddannet bevægelsespædagog og kraniosakralterapeut.

Jeg blev bevægelsespædagog fra Gotvedskolen i 1986.

Derefter har jeg uddannet mig indenfor kraniosakralterapi siden 1995 og er Teknik og Diplom certificeret fra Upledger Instituttet.

I november 2012 afsluttede jeg en 2 årig coach uddannelse på Nordlys Centeret.    I 2024 har jeg suppleret med en Trivselscoach uddannelse fra Helen Eriksen , Eriksen Institut.

Jeg er RAB Registreret Alternativ Behandler.

Siden 1986 har jeg arbejdet med krop, bevægelse, afspænding og behandling i mange forskellige sammenhænge.

I 25 år inden for folkeoplysning, familie projekter og senest 10 år med projekter for sygemeldte for Job Care.

I min klinik behandler jeg både baby, børn og voksne med mange forskellige problematikker.

Nærværet med kroppen bliver hele tiden vigtigere for mig, både i terapi og bevægelse.

Dialogen mellem krop og bevidsthed er for mig kilden til udvikling.

Kroppen er unik. Kroppen indeholder selvhelbredende kræfter der kan hjælpe os mod smerter, overbelastning og stress. Jeg oplever, at ved at afbalancere kroppen både med kraniosakralterapi og bevægelse aktivers livsenergien. Vi får ro, overskud og mere energi.

Ny viden, kurser og supervision indenfor mit felt har min store interesse. Så jeg deltager ofte i kurser, supervision og er TA ( teaching assistent) på kurser i Upledger regi i Danmark og i udlandet.

Mit CV

CV Helle Wulff Hansen:


Trivselscoach ved Helen Eriksen, Eriksen Institut.

1993 – .d.d:

uddannelse i Craniosakralterapi på teknik og diplom nivau, se nedenstående


CST – Diplom eksamen ved Chass Perry, Upledger Institut USA.


Eksamination I Craniosakrale teknikker, CST, ved August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.


Eksamineret Nordlys coach fra Nordlys centeret, Silkeborg ved Phillip Ness.

Et 2 årigt forløb med Self – Life og Buisness coaching 252 lektioner.


Årskursus i motorik ved Bente Pedersen og Anne Brodersen, 160 Lektioner.


Bevægelsespædagog fra Gotvedskolen, 2 årigt fuldtidsstudie.


Kurser i CranioSacral terapi ved Upledger Institut



Terapeut ved CTP , Intensiv program for terapeuter, Upledger Uk

Temadag “Beyond the Rythems” ved Thomas Rasmussen, forskning omkring CST

Temadag “Beyond the Rythems” ved Thomas Rasmussen



Masterclass i at være ledende terapeut ved multihands session, Chass Perry,Upledger UK

Temadag “Beyond the Rythem”, Thommas Rasmussen, Øjne Kæbe

Temadag “Beyond the Rythem”  “States of Consciousness, Perception and Therapeutic Presence”, Thomas Rasmussen,

Online Anatomy Classes, College of Body Science, with Caroline Barrow


Online Anatomy Classes, College of Body Science, with Caroline Barrow


Listening to the second Brain, Nikki Kenwood, Upledger USA, online


CTP , Intensiv Craniosakral Therapy,Upledger UK, for politibetjente med PSTD



CranioSacral Therapy and the Immune Response, Suzanne Scurlock- Durana. Upledger DK

Developing and deepening Craniosacral Presence, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, Upleder DK

Gentage SER 1, Hans Huikeshoven, Upledger DK

Gentage CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1, Gabriel Orsolya, Upledger DK

Gentage SER Therapeutiq imagery and dialog. Stan Gerome, Upledger Finland.



Meditation and Therapeutiq Presens. Alexander Filmer Lorch, Upledger Danmark.

CranioSacraltherapy Advanced Tekniques. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Ireland.

CranioSacraltherapy Advance 3, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CCPB 1 CranioSacral Application for Conception, Pregnancy & Birthing. Carrol Mc Lellan, Upledger Finland.



Fascia Mobilitet, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Touching the Brain, Tad Wanveer, Upledger  Iceland.

Brain Speaks 2 ved Avadan Larson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

CST – Diplom eksamen ved Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Integrative Intension, Lake Myvatn, Kat and chass Perry, Upledger Institut Iceland.



SER Terapeutiqe Imagery and Dialog, Stan Gerome, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Repetion af SER 2, Somato Emotional Release, Stan Gerome, Upledger Scandinavia.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy, Bioaquatic Exploration, BAER, Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Repetition af Somato Emotional Release 1, August Axelsson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Integrative Intention, Blue lagone, Chass and Kat Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Repetion af Brain Speaks 1, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger Scandinavia.



BAES, Bioaquatic Exploration, Somato Emotional Release, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger USA.

Intergrativ intension, Blue Lagoon, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Eksamination I Craniosakrale teknikker, CST, ved August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.



Advanced Craniosacral Therapy 2, Chass Perry, Upledger Scandinavia.

CST Pediatric, Nina Chernick, Upledger Scandinavia.

Repetion af CST 2, August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.

Integative Intention, Blue Lagoone, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Integrative Intension, Blue Lagoon, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Advanced Craniosacral Theraphy 1, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.



Craniosacral Therapy Supervision, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.

Brain Speaks 1, Diego Maggio, Upledger Scandinavia.



Somato Emotional Release 2, Susan Steiner, Upledger Scandinavia.

Somato Emotional Release 1, Bernhard Voss, Upledger Deutchland.



Marts 1999: Craniosacral therapy 2, John Page, Upledger UK.



Chraniosacral Therapy 1, John Page, Upledger UK.


Alle kurser er 37 lektioner. ,

Kurser i Viceral Manipulation og Neural Manipulation Barrel Institut


Repetion af Viceral Maipulation 3, Pelvis, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut



Neural manipulation 4, Robert Bananzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 5, Gail Wetzler, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 3, Pelvic, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.



Visceral Manipulation 4, The Thorax, Robert Bonanzinga, Barral institute Scandinavia.

Listening Techniques, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 2, Abdomen, Rita Bennamore, Barrel institute Scandinavia



Visceral Manipulation 1, Abdomen, Rita Benamore, Barral Scandinavia.



Neural Manipulation 2, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.

Repetion af Neural manipulation 1, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barral Scandinava.



Neural Manipulation 3, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.


Neuro Manipulation 1, Allain Groibier, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Teaching Assistent på Upledger kurser


Somato Emotional Release 2, Chass Perry , Upledger Iceland


Advanced craniosakraltherapy 1, Upledger Finland, ved  Chass Perry



Somato Emotional Release 1. Avadan Larson; Upledger Danmark

CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark.



CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark

Advanced Craniosacraltherapy 1. Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1, Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark



Somanto Emotial Release 2, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1&2, August Axelsson, Upledger Skandinavia.

Kurser I biodynamisk kraniosakralterapi:


Jaap Van Der Vall, The Embryo, online


Michael Kern , Connecting to the source, Apelgarden, Sverige



Michael Shea, The Heart in Biodynamic Practice, Brødrene Tranbergs Institut, Sverige

Kraniosakralterapi ved Institut for kraniosakralterapi:


Børnemodul i kraniosakralterapi, Bodil Egeberg


Karniosakralterapi 3, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 2, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 1; Inge Dahm

Alle kurser 37 lektioner

Jeg har været TA på Kraniosakralterapi 1, 2 og 3.

Kurser i CranioSacral terapi ved Upledger Institut


CTP , Intensiv Craniosakral Therapy,Upledger UK, for politibetjente med PSTD



CranioSacral Therapy and the Immune Response, Suzanne Scurlock- Durana. Upledger DK

Developing and deepening Craniosacral Presence, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, Upleder DK

Gentage SER 1, Hans Huikeshoven, Upledger DK

Gentage CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1, Gabriel Orsolya, Upledger DK

Repetition af SER Therapeutiq imagery and dialog. Stan Gerome, Upledger Finland.



Meditation and Therapeutiq Presens. Alexander Filmer Lorch, Upledger Danmark.

CranioSacraltherapy Advanced Tekniques. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Ireland.

CranioSacraltherapy Advance 3, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CCPB 1 CranioSacral Application for Conception, Pregnancy & Birthing. Carrol Mc Lellan, Upledger Finland.



Fascia Mobilitet, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Touching the Brain, Tad Wanveer, Upledger  Iceland.

Brain Speaks 2 ved Avadan Larson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

CST – Diplom eksamen ved Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Integrative Intension, Lake Myvatn, Kat and chass Perry, Upledger Institut Iceland.



SER Terapeutiqe Imagery and Dialog, Stan Gerome, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Repetion af SER 2, Somato Emotional Release, Stan Gerome, Upledger Scandinavia.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy, Bioaquatic Exploration, BAER, Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Repetition af Somato Emotional Release 1, August Axelsson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Integrative Intention, Blue lagone, Chass and Kat Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Repetion af Brain Speaks 1, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger Scandinavia.



BAES, Bioaquatic Exploration, Somato Emotional Release, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger USA.

Intergrativ intension, Blue Lagoon, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Eksamination I Craniosakrale teknikker, CST, ved August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.



Advanced Craniosacral Therapy 2, Chass Perry, Upledger Scandinavia.

CST Pediatric, Nina Chernick, Upledger Scandinavia.

Repetion af CST 2, August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.

Integative Intention, Blue Lagoone, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Integrative Intension, Blue Lagoon, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Advanced Craniosacral Theraphy 1, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.



Craniosacral Therapy Supervision, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.

Brain Speaks 1, Diego Maggio, Upledger Scandinavia.



Somato Emotional Release 2, Susan Steiner, Upledger Scandinavia.

Somato Emotional Release 1, Bernhard Voss, Upledger Deutchland.



Marts 1999: Craniosacral therapy 2, John Page, Upledger UK.



Chraniosacral Therapy 1, John Page, Upledger UK.


Alle kurser er 37 lektioner. ,

Kurser i Viceral Manipulation og Neural Manipulation Barrel Institut


Repetion af Viceral Maipulation 3, Pelvis, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut



Neural manipulation 4, Robert Bananzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 5, Gail Wetzler, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 3, Pelvic, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.



Visceral Manipulation 4, The Thorax, Robert Bonanzinga, Barral institute Scandinavia.

Listening Techniques, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 2, Abdomen, Rita Bennamore, Barrel institute Scandinavia



Visceral Manipulation 1, Abdomen, Rita Benamore, Barral Scandinavia.



Neural Manipulation 2, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.

Repetion af Neural manipulation 1, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barral Scandinava.



Neural Manipulation 3, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.


Neuro Manipulation 1, Allain Groibier, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Teaching Assistent på Upledger kurser


Advanced craniosakraltherapy 1, Upledger Finland, ved  Chass Perry



Somato Emotional Release 1. Avadan Larson; Upledger Danmark

CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark.



CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark

Advanced Craniosacraltherapy 1. Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1, Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark



Somanto Emotial Release 2, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1&2, August Axelsson, Upledger Skandinavia.

Kurser I biodynamisk kraniosakralterapi:


Michael Kern , Connecting to the source, Apelgarden, Sverige



Michael Shea, The Heart in Biodynamic Practice, Brødrene Tranbergs Institut, Sverige

Kraniosakralterapi ved Institut for kraniosakralterapi:


Børnemodul i kraniosakralterapi, Bodil Egeberg


Karniosakralterapi 3, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 2, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 1; Inge Dahm

Alle kurser 37 lektioner

Jeg har været TA på Kraniosakralterapi 1, 2 og 3.

Kurser i CranioSacral terapi ved Upledger Institut


CTP , Intensiv Craniosakral Therapy,Upledger UK, for politibetjente med PSTD



CranioSacral Therapy and the Immune Response, Suzanne Scurlock- Durana. Upledger DK

Developing and deepening Craniosacral Presence, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, Upleder DK

Gentage SER 1, Hans Huikeshoven, Upledger DK

Gentage CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1, Gabriel Orsolya, Upledger DK

Repetition af SER Therapeutiq imagery and dialog. Stan Gerome, Upledger Finland.



Meditation and Therapeutiq Presens. Alexander Filmer Lorch, Upledger Danmark.

CranioSacraltherapy Advanced Tekniques. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Ireland.

CranioSacraltherapy Advance 3, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CCPB 1 CranioSacral Application for Conception, Pregnancy & Birthing. Carrol Mc Lellan, Upledger Finland.



Fascia Mobilitet, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Touching the Brain, Tad Wanveer, Upledger  Iceland.

Brain Speaks 2 ved Avadan Larson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

CST – Diplom eksamen ved Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Integrative Intension, Lake Myvatn, Kat and chass Perry, Upledger Institut Iceland.



SER Terapeutiqe Imagery and Dialog, Stan Gerome, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Repetion af SER 2, Somato Emotional Release, Stan Gerome, Upledger Scandinavia.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy, Bioaquatic Exploration, BAER, Chass Perry, Upledger  USA.

Repetition af Somato Emotional Release 1, August Axelsson, Upledger  Scandinavia.

Integrative Intention, Blue lagone, Chass and Kat Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Repetion af Brain Speaks 1, Thommas Rasmussen, Upledger Scandinavia.



BAES, Bioaquatic Exploration, Somato Emotional Release, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger USA.

Intergrativ intension, Blue Lagoon, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.

Eksamination I Craniosakrale teknikker, CST, ved August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.



Advanced Craniosacral Therapy 2, Chass Perry, Upledger Scandinavia.

CST Pediatric, Nina Chernick, Upledger Scandinavia.

Repetion af CST 2, August Axelsson, Upledger Scandinavia.

Integative Intention, Blue Lagoone, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Integrative Intension, Blue Lagoon, Iceland, Kat and Chass Perry, Upledger Iceland.



Advanced Craniosacral Theraphy 1, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.



Craniosacral Therapy Supervision, Sanno Visser, Upledger Scandinavia.

Brain Speaks 1, Diego Maggio, Upledger Scandinavia.



Somato Emotional Release 2, Susan Steiner, Upledger Scandinavia.

Somato Emotional Release 1, Bernhard Voss, Upledger Deutchland.



Marts 1999: Craniosacral therapy 2, John Page, Upledger UK.



Chraniosacral Therapy 1, John Page, Upledger UK.


Alle kurser er 37 lektioner. ,

Kurser i Viceral Manipulation og Neural Manipulation Barrel Institut


Repetion af Viceral Maipulation 3, Pelvis, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut



Neural manipulation 4, Robert Bananzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 5, Gail Wetzler, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 3, Pelvic, Rita Bennamore, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.



Visceral Manipulation 4, The Thorax, Robert Bonanzinga, Barral institute Scandinavia.

Listening Techniques, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Visceral Manipulation 2, Abdomen, Rita Bennamore, Barrel institute Scandinavia



Visceral Manipulation 1, Abdomen, Rita Benamore, Barral Scandinavia.



Neural Manipulation 2, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.

Repetion af Neural manipulation 1, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barral Scandinava.



Neural Manipulation 3, Roberto Bonanzinga, Barrel Scandinavia.


Neuro Manipulation 1, Allain Groibier, Barrel Institut Scandinavia.

Teaching Assistent på Upledger kurser


Advanced craniosakraltherapy 1, Upledger Finland, ved  Chass Perry



Somato Emotional Release 1. Avadan Larson; Upledger Danmark

CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark.



CST 2. Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark

Advanced Craniosacraltherapy 1. Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1, Thomas Rasmussen, Upledger Danmark



Somanto Emotial Release 2, Chas Perry, Upledger Iceland.

CST 1&2, August Axelsson, Upledger Skandinavia.

Kurser I biodynamisk kraniosakralterapi:


Michael Kern , Connecting to the source, Apelgarden, Sverige



Michael Shea, The Heart in Biodynamic Practice, Brødrene Tranbergs Institut, Sverige

Kraniosakralterapi ved Institut for kraniosakralterapi:


Børnemodul i kraniosakralterapi, Bodil Egeberg


Karniosakralterapi 3, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 2, Inge Dahm


Kraniosakralterapi 1; Inge Dahm

Alle kurser 37 lektioner

Jeg har været TA på Kraniosakralterapi 1, 2 og 3.